We are all in this together.
Safety is our top priority as we navigate the coronavirus outbreak together.
We hope you are all safe and well in this moment, keeping the health of yourself and your loved ones as a top priority.
For weeks now, we have been closely monitoring and evaluating the situation around Coronavirus (COVID-19) and taking the necessary business precautions to protect the health and safety of our employees, customers and their families. This includes continued communication with our employees, customers and vendors about the spread of coronavirus, the CDC’s latest recommendations, and Custom Bilt Metals proactive response to this quickly changing situation. We’re thankful to our employees, customers, and suppliers for their continued support during this crisis.
We have policies to protect the safety of our employees, customers, vendors, and their families. These include
- Suspension of all non-essential business travel.
- Implementing “If you are sick, stay home” protocol for all employees.
- Created dedicated response teams in each facility to guide the teams in following CDC and OSHA guidelines for sanitation and health monitoring.
- Supplying each facility with CDC & OSHA recommended disinfecting and PPE products.
- Rescheduling or postponing all vendor or customer meetings and facilitating electronic format for all company meetings.
- A no visitor policy, hand-washing requirements, and social distancing in place at all facilities.
- Implementing work from home wherever possible to protect our employees and the communities at large.
- Daily conference call with facility response teams for employee news updates to provide quick access to information.
If it’s not safe, don’t do it.
We Are Strong Together
We all look forward to getting through this crisis together safely.